What are we ?
What are we capable of ?
What is the meaning of all of this ?
I can't believe I've lived this long and have yet to decide on an answer to any of these questions. I know there are many stories to chose from, but none seems satisfactory and complete. Still, things do become increasingly clear as time goes by. I spent the last hour looking through my archives back to the first posts I made 2 years ago. I wish I started blogging ten years ago. If nothing else, there is a personal narrative from which to derive some sense of linear, euclidian order-limited as that may be. It's difficult, however, to augur much from this scattered mess of tea leaves. I have a much stronger sense of destiny than most I suppose. But the strength of these convictions is equally countered by the fuzziness and warped perceptions that surround all singularities. There is an event horizon beyond which no mortal can look. When the time comes to act, I will act. When the time comes to think, I shall think. I will always feel and will always try to live in the moment even as it slips away and vanishes into incomprehensibility. Miracles happen, but never in the way you thought they would.
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