Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Licorne was a test of an experimental thermonuclear device for the TN-60 warhead; the fourth thermonuclear test conducted by France. The nuclear device was suspended from a balloon, which was filled with 14,000 cubic meters of helium, 500 meters (1600 feet) feet over the Dindon testing sector. 3,700 men stationed on Mururoa were evacuated for this test.
An observer described the Licorne detonation as being a “a stupendously beautiful pillar of fire piercing a perfectly symmetrical mushroom.” Six hours after the explosion, Debré and the visiting correspondents returned to the main base on Mururoa. Debré reportedly swam in the Mururoa lagoon during this time to make the reporters think the radiological effects of the nuclear tests were harmless.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
How Long Will This Go On ?
Cosmologists are now up to 11 dimensions, a couple of years ago it was just 10. Here's what happened:
It all sounds good...I guess. But doesn't it represent a certain hubris to suppose that one day we will some day be able to "figure it all out"? A constant and pervasive genuflection by theorists before the idea of "closure" or unification has concretized within the edifice of western scientism a tendency towards ever increasing abstraction. New solutions pop up to mend the leaks of old solutions. Even newer theories are proposed to tie together the loose ends of that very same theory. Although the multifarious nature of reality can sometimes be cornered in bits and pieces, the pith essence of being will remain quiescent and out of reach as long as human consciousness can only functionally operate within the 4 dimensions of space and time. Clearly this sort of state change is out of reach to a collective consciousness that remains mired in juvenile dualistic epistemologies. It might be the onus of cosmological theorists to first join with those who would offer to shatter the cultural operating systems that have written in their code a tendency towards the lumpen probity of Positivistic Materialism.
If the "enemy of my enemy" is my friend. I see the adumbration of an unlikely alliance between Cosmologists and Psychadelic Philosophers outlined in the etheric "branes" of M-Theory. Although I doubt we will find (or should even desire) the type of closure so hoped for by the egos of the great minds of Astro-Physics, we might succeed in the fructification of a consciousness that has abandoned the inculcation of Positivist value systems into it's cultural expressions, and therefore an openness towards non-linear thought might not be so inimical to the creation of a new civilization bereft of the blindered agenda of our current one track machinery. Sadly, it might be that the only sentience to fully grasp the nascent presentiments of an 11 dimensional universe is not a human one, but a cybernetic intelligence that we are now in the process of constructing a central nervous system for. The point to point singularities (end/beginning) that our human mind drifts towards in it's apperception of the infinte may in fact be a type of apophenia, or misapprehension of a phenomena that lies far beyond the pale machineries of our hominid brains.
It all sounds good...I guess. But doesn't it represent a certain hubris to suppose that one day we will some day be able to "figure it all out"? A constant and pervasive genuflection by theorists before the idea of "closure" or unification has concretized within the edifice of western scientism a tendency towards ever increasing abstraction. New solutions pop up to mend the leaks of old solutions. Even newer theories are proposed to tie together the loose ends of that very same theory. Although the multifarious nature of reality can sometimes be cornered in bits and pieces, the pith essence of being will remain quiescent and out of reach as long as human consciousness can only functionally operate within the 4 dimensions of space and time. Clearly this sort of state change is out of reach to a collective consciousness that remains mired in juvenile dualistic epistemologies. It might be the onus of cosmological theorists to first join with those who would offer to shatter the cultural operating systems that have written in their code a tendency towards the lumpen probity of Positivistic Materialism.
If the "enemy of my enemy" is my friend. I see the adumbration of an unlikely alliance between Cosmologists and Psychadelic Philosophers outlined in the etheric "branes" of M-Theory. Although I doubt we will find (or should even desire) the type of closure so hoped for by the egos of the great minds of Astro-Physics, we might succeed in the fructification of a consciousness that has abandoned the inculcation of Positivist value systems into it's cultural expressions, and therefore an openness towards non-linear thought might not be so inimical to the creation of a new civilization bereft of the blindered agenda of our current one track machinery. Sadly, it might be that the only sentience to fully grasp the nascent presentiments of an 11 dimensional universe is not a human one, but a cybernetic intelligence that we are now in the process of constructing a central nervous system for. The point to point singularities (end/beginning) that our human mind drifts towards in it's apperception of the infinte may in fact be a type of apophenia, or misapprehension of a phenomena that lies far beyond the pale machineries of our hominid brains.
Friday, February 15, 2008
..finally put the finishing touches on "Athame and Pentacle". I don't feel like doing anything else to this piece of wood so I guess it's done. I like this one.
I'll get a good photo tomorrow and switch out all the sub-par images on my sites. There's an interesting story behind this piece but you have to ask about it.
Steven Pinker: A brief history of violence
Steven Pinker is an atheist, evolutionary psychologist, and positivistic materialist. He discounts the felt presence of immediate experience as a mere by product of neural activity and has no spiritual beliefs. His religion is reductivism and reason. Much of what he says is "true"..or true enough. Most belief systems have kernels of truth that are local to the language tunnel that they have burrowed themselves into. The same general criticism could be leveled against Richard Alpert, who has made his religion the collectivist cause.
In calcifying their beliefs as ideologies, these thinkers are all guilty of attempting to corral reality within a limited province of their own intellectual domains. One in which they are in control, one in which understanding and mastery are professed. Answers are offered. Experience is fenced in.
The "truth" is that truth is both non-local and non-universal. Reality is limitless..beyond reason, beyond reduction. Experience is relativistic, and the world is stranger than we CAN suppose. Science is a tool that is too often mistaken for a meta-theory. In kind, good intentions cannot overcome the localized truths of human neural hardware.
Seekers after understanding should remain seekers and not salesmen. But I guess to sell books and sit on department chairs or give talks you need some ego...even if your rap is about ego dissolution.
The velvet underground - Femme fatale (live)
...seemed like a good Valentines Day post.
Within the domain in question I prefer white hot self-immolation to pleasantly bored...but that's just me. for the moment.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
My building has a large contingent of Cambodian immigrants, one of whom was recently describing to me his past and life as he recalled it under the Khmer Rouge. I've lived in this neighborhood for many years and it's only now that I've even really begun to consider the fairly simple thought experiment of trying to see through my neighbors eyes...however possible this may be. What would it be like to be caught in a war completely beyond your comprehension and displaced violently as a refugee into a whole new culture ? What would it be like to suffer such a catastrophic cultural shift and personal loss? And then end up in this very neighborhood with me living next door...?
Saturday, February 9, 2008
What Happens if Your Brain is Split in Two?
To reduce the severity of Joe’s epileptic seizure, doctors performed a drastic brain surgery: they cut the corpus callosum and severed the connection between his left and right cerebral hemispheres. Here’s what happened …
via Neatorama
via Neatorama
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
AA Bondy
...a little sleuthing around the internet turned up Scott Bondy formerly of Verbena now re-invented and quietly touring solo as AA Bondy.
more vids at lifeisasoundtrack..and youtube en general.
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