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Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Ching

Shêng, Pushing Upward
Is the hexagram that I received from the Book of is an interpretation:
The image of Oppression changes in today’s Reading into the image of Pushing Upward. This tells you that you WILL succeed in moving onward and upward from the place of suffering in which you have been mired for so long. In one of the verses associated with this image, the oracle says, “The king offers him Mount Ch’i. Good fortune. No blame.” Mount Ch’i was the sacred home of the ancestors in Chinese lore. It was the highest conceivable honor to be granted a place on Mount Ch’i. Persevere, then, through this time of pain, doubt, and uncertainty. You cannot fail to transcend these trials, and come ultimately to a sublime success. In the process you will honor the best qualities within you, and those qualities will be recognized by others as well.

Michelle got the weirdest one..6 straight lines...or Ch'ien, The Creative:
The image of The Creative opens the full sequence of sixty-four images that comprise the I Ching Oracle in its entirety. It sometimes goes by the alternate name of “Heaven,” and it describes the full expression of an element, or a kind of energy, or a category of thought, if you will, that the Chinese refer to as “Yang.” In the philosophical perspective of the I Ching Oracle, which itself is the foundation of practically all of traditional Chinese scientific, religious, and philosophical life, the Yang element is complimentary to the “Yin” element, which is described in the I Ching Oracle through the image of The Receptive, also called Earth. If you know anything about modern physics, Yang is the equivalent of the wave aspect of reality that is complimentary to the Yin, or particle, aspect of reality. Science in the 19th Century, Newtonian science, seemed sometimes to come at odds with religion, or metaphysics, because it acknowledged only the particle aspect of reality, the atoms that supposedly were made of real stuff – hard, cold, opaque, impenetrable, inevitable, stuff. In our own time, after Einstein, scientists have come to acknowledge that there is also something that is ineffable, invisible, weightless and massless, transparent, and essentially inexplicable in the elemental nature of things. This is the wave, the ultimate reality that they hope some day to encompass in the mathematical equations of some as yet to be devised Grand Unified Wave Theory. The Chinese simply called it The Creative, and they viewed it as being something like what we conceive of as God – that is to say, something that has a creative power that initiates the life of all things in the Universe. This primal effectiveness of Divine Creative Power is what you may expect to be working with you to support your every endeavor during the year. Now that’s a momentous judgment to receive from the in Ching Oracle, isn’t it?

Wow dude! Score Michelle!

Call me and I'll do your reading...if you dare, some of them are pretty f-ed up...I think we got way lucky. :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our Lady of La Salette

If the harvest is spoilt, it is all on your account. I have you warning last year with the potatoes but you did not heed it. On the contrary, when you found the potatoes spoilt, you swore, you took the name of my Son in vain. They will continue to decay, so that by Christmas there will be none left. Ah, my children, do you not understand? Well, wait, I shall say it otherwise.
If you have wheat, it is no good to sow it; all you sow the insects will eat, and what comes up will fall into dust when you thresh it.
There will come a great famine.
Before the famine comes, the children under seven years of age will be seized with trembling and will die in the hands of those who hold them; the others will do penance by the famine. The walnuts will become bad, and the grapes will rot. If they are converted, the stones and rocks will change into mounds of wheat, and the potatoes will be self-sown in the land.
Do you say your prayers well, my children?

Our Lady of La Salette



Jesus and Shiva

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Bart Exposito
Bart Exposito
Bart Drawings
Mario painting
Mario Correa
Chris Acuna-Hansen
Mark Stockton painting
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDennis HollingsworthEl Maestro

My yearly class trip with Valley College to my formative 'hood came to pass once again this fine sunny saturday. All the usual suspects and more were gathered for our delectation. Some good work to be seen beyond the studios..especially liked Jeni Spota at Sister gallery.

Jeni Spota

Friday, October 19, 2007

Message from the Pleiades

I stumbled across this gem in a youtube thread about the Pleiades..or the Pleiadeans who some believe seeded the earth with DNA and began the human race. The amateurish video, which feels like an A+ community college class project, is startlingly sincere and rendered without a single shred of pretense...which is why it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach. I don't know about you but I'm getting pretty tired of hipster nihilism and the inveterate ethos of cynical detachment that threatens to rot away the last remaining portion of our souls. It must be that feeling and believing are verbs that send cold shudders of terror through the taut and rigid spines of those among us who have found that the cardboard cutout facades of scene based identity are ample enough space for satisfying projections of domination, power and the superficial momentary rush of cabalistic clique belonging.

I'm glad someone believes in something...even if it is as goofball as this whole Pleiadean Carnival.

The Brick Testament

The Bible in Lego People
The Brick Testament

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Michelle is now a blogger....


kitten chaser

Lust for a Vampire Hypnosis Scene

Some time ago I unwittingly found myself under the spell of a vampire... it may just happen to you. The good news is that the evil charm is easily broken (e-mail me if you need secret advice)....the vampire will move on to graze on other victims once they determine that you have become immune to their macabre hypnosis. The vampire will ultimately end up as a broken heap of dessicated and crumpled dust if more victims are not readily available for their savage predatory needs. Should we feel sorry for the vampire..or is it really one of those cut and dry moments where compassion is not part of the picture? Kill or be killed I suppose....

Friday, October 5, 2007

Major Bummer

The future will surely be colorful.....I hope to be able to stick around as long as possible if only as a spectator to the drama that will be very soon unfolding. This is when we find out what being human really means...

I'm in ur country..

..firing on ur civilians!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Los Compadres

Los Compadres
...returning to Quetzalcoatl
Thought chang'd the infinite to a serpent, that which pitieth:
To a devouring flame, and man fled from its face and hid
In forests of night: then all the eternal forests were divided
Into earths rolling in circles of space, that like an ocean rush'd
And overwhelmed all except this finite wall of flesh.
Then was the serpent temple form'd, image of infinite
Shut up in finite revolutions: and man became an Angel:
Heaven a mighty circle turning: God a tryant crown'd.

-William Blake

Burrow Away

The new Holy Sons video

Monday, October 1, 2007

Critical Mass

I know I'm just one stupid guy standing on a ramshackle internet soap box...but I wan't to make an observation if I may. Work like the above painting should be evidence to anyone with eyes that Dennis Hollingsworth's output has reached a critical mass and it is only a matter of time before we should put on the welders glasses to shield our eyes from the impending retinal damaging flash. Recently I've begun to notice with more and more vividness, a finely attenuated and sophisticated phrasing, an increasingly extended and inventive range, and an ambitious scale within this artists work that has vaulted the paintings to a completely new level. Dennis has been working for years slowly exploring the vast depths he has chosen to plumb, and it is only with time that this accumulation of hard fought experience has lead to the type of poetic richness that recent paintings display with such staggering authority. Smart and Plucky Los Angeles Museum Curators would be wise to contact Dennis while the hour is nigh'..I think that we're on the verge of something big here people. As a side note...the idea of working with such commitment, dedication, unwavering vision, and dogged determination are the type of values that this blog seeks to perennially disperse. Dennis is the posterchild for this type of kickass authenticity..
Big sincere ups...!