Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Psycopathic Entertainment
People that find this entertaining are missing a very large piece of what makes us human. Or maybe the sad truth is that we are watching the Jungian Shadow of our moral selves dance across the blood spattered arena...and therefore this is in fact a very large piece of what IS human. Society sublimates this murderous rage and "civilizes" it, but it doesn't go away. It waits festering behind the anger and resentment that must be hidden if one wishes to participate in the communal enterprise of Nationalism. Thus filtered, murder can re-emerge sanitized and made coherent by conflicts waged en masse rather than by the Individual. Seen through this lens, the institution of War is a Bloodsport engaged in by world leaders in order to satisfy their own sense of potency and to act as living Gods. The thrill of power and the intense high of self-satisfaction that must come from being able to-on a whim-order several thousands of American soldiers to their inevitable and pointless death must be a rush not even matched by the pleasure of watching animals brutally maim and murder themselves. Why else would politicians put up with so much bullshit in order to secure what is an otherwise very unenviable job? Who are the real monsters in our society? You won't always find them in dark smoky basements, sometimes they'll be hiding in plain sight, comfortably smug and with complete lack of conscience, holding court from within in an expansive suite of regal offices overlooking a carefully manicured green lawn. The dancing shadows of horror are in fact cast by the same man who condemns the darkness of terror.
Fritz Springmeier: The Illuminati & U.S. Policy
This guys is awesome. He's currently serving nine year in prison for a robbery attempting to obtain funds for one of his books.
Fritz Springmeier
his website
Monday, August 27, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Who are all these people reading my blog?
5,258 visitors...and only Steven Larose leaves comments?
Not that I'm holding you to some moral benchmark or something..but let's call a spade a spade...yes ?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
J. G. Ballard - BBC Profile
...if you watch only one JG Ballard video post of mine this summer...this should be the ONE.
WW II confirmed that the whole of reality was some sort of stage set that could be cleared away at a moments notice. I do tend to write a fiction of extreme situations, there's no point in denying that. But then, life on this planet for the most part is fairly extreme….the life I led during the Second World War was not untypical at all, in fact it was completely typical of the way most people on this planet have lived during the 20th century and in previous centuries…what is the untypical corner of the planet has been the sort of secure suburbia of England, Western Europe, and the United States.
I have a suspicion that some sort of institutionalized violence which we see in the violent contact sports like boxing, American Football, [Soccer Hooliganism] etc, are not "outlets" of violence but rather means of prompting and provoking it because we need to get that sort of violence into our systems because they are energizing and they do have a virtue because they sharpen the moral sense of ourselves….
You could make the point that in a way the great dream of the Enlightenment- of a sane and humane society, where we all respect each other is in a sense hopelessly idealistic and does not accord with our real natures. That we are a race of partly-civilized hunter killers who've adapted loosely to living in large enclaves. If we are going to be truthful about our real natures and that we are rather violent creatures who enjoy violence…it might be necessary to administer small doses of not just violence, but psychopathic behavior.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
autobiographical contents
One more institutional affiliation...
ART 383, Life Painting, Cal State Long Beach
My teaching methodology will focus on the material approach favored by Dutch masters like Vermeer, and also include a nod to the more improvisational flourishes of the Italian Tiepolo. Many scholars agree that the European Baroque was a period of intensity, depth and greatness that will remain without equal...this was the high water mark..the medium's one Golden Age. To be fair-we should of course note the 19th century Romantics for the complexity and daring of their vision, and of course the 20th century modernists for pushing the medium to its conceptual limits...but none of these eras could hope to match the supreme level of technical fluency, epic pictorialism, and the breadth of production commonplace during the Baroque. Few artists, if any have approached the mastery, not only of craft, but of the visionary pictorial grandeur that has become so emblematic of artists of the 1600's.
My own representational technique has grown slowly and akwardly, and now employs a liberal use of repeated glazing, semi-wet on semi-wet, and a 4-5 layer process that demands an abundance of patience and studio lingering. This is one of the most difficult things for young painters to grasp..that the process can be tedious and time consuming..that results come slowly, if at all. It's hard to make art with too many distractions. Ask Steve Canaday about that one. I generally disdain canvas surfaces and prefer the smooth panels used by the Northern Europeans and contemporary masters like Glenn Brown. I am not a traditionalist or a "realist" or a Dogmatic Ideologue, nonetheless I recognize the importance of fluency and mastery in this particular lexicon of the visual language-and the reach and breadth that a material craft can bring to the conceptual arsenal an artist employs. Unlike a writer or conceptual artist who may be able to remain distanced behind the slight removal of words and ideas a painter exists immediately and directly within the marks and gestures of their surfaces.
My goal is to paint with great skill if not with complete virtuosity, with an absence of irony-but nonetheless reaching towards a syncretic hybrid form that is at once comfortable with an awareness of the past and the necessity to reconstitute our vision of painting that clearly cannot remain static and entrenched if it wishes to engage in any of the current conversations and remain a relevant cultural form. I see this conversation as a web and a network rather than a Pyramid of Authority rising from the Academic Ocean (see employee id card). There is no Son of Horus, no wrathful Christ as God of Judgement...only pockets of value held dearly and with great faith by the members of various scattered communities and hyper specialized sub-cultures. Some of these just happen to have more visibility than others. There are many "artworlds", but the greater entity is a loose and diaphanous communal society, a structure that is constantly morphing and without a center. There are avenues of connectivity but there is no "right" or "wrong". Dollar value is a chimera that occupies the razor thin space between Greed and Fear..."prestige" comes from an obscure Old French word meaning "jugglers tricks". Look it up. In my mind, values and beliefs about art should be mutable..."truth" can be gotten at from many sides. There is no such thing as a correct way of making images, only a plenum of choices. No one is at war in Art, thankfully. As such, an abundance of options will naturally be manifest as an artistic practice with great depth, vision, relevance and agency. Art is both material and immaterial, and I see no problem or contest with these two "oppositional" traits being held by the same artifact concurrently. Both qualities are present within the same object as it passes through our awareness-for this "object" which can be more correctly perceived as a movement of ideas and substances through space, is both infinite and temporal.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The suite of work I have tentatively titled "Velpecula" or "2007b" has now been added to the archive. Please have a look:
FYI expect one more straggler to make the cut within the next few weeks.
BTW..I'm not officially "releasing" the paintings visible to your right until 2008 as they are part of a larger series. But they can be found tucked away deep within in the dusty archives of this very blog if you are the searching type.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
baby octopus r.i.p.
Apparently the blue and green monsters have gone to the Michael Jackson school of child-care. It's like the tele-tubbies recast as moral-relativists on bad acid..oh and they live in Japan now. Tragic baby death might not be the best type of content for the intended demographic. I give it 4 stars.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Sigourney X Tension- 1999-2000
Yours truly was manning the camera. Raw, unfiltered situationist chaos. Guy Debord street theatre. The kind of stuff you do in art school.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
future DILF
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Dennis Hollingsworth Is Stealing My Ideas
I guess it's ideas are usually worth stealing. Not that anyone owns ideas anyways.
winky wink
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Listening to Donovan songs uploading Zardoz screenshots, and reading Rousseau:
It is difficult for one to whom the state has been sold not to sell it in his turn, and recover from the weak the gold which the strong have extorted from him. Sooner or later, under such an administration everything becomes venal; and the peace which is then enjoyed under kings is worse than the disturbances of interregnums.
... [T]he greatest good of all, which ought to be the goal of every system of law, ... comes down to two main objects: freedom and equality: freedom because any individual dependence means that much strength withdrawn from the body or the state, and equally because freedom cannot survive without it. I have already explained what civil freedom is; as for equality, this word must not be taken to imply that degrees of power and wealth should be absolutely the same for all ... no citizen shall be rich enough to buy another and none so poor as to be forced to sell himself ...
To renounce freedom is to renounce one's humanity, one's rights as a man and equally one's duties. There is no quid pro quo for one who renounces everything ... if you take away all freedom of the will, you strip a man's actions of all moral significance.
strange days
Friday, August 3, 2007
from wikipedia:
Anekantavada is a basic principle of Jainism developed by Mahavira (599-527 BC) positing that reality is perceived differently from different points of view, and that no single point of view is completely true. Jain doctrine states that only Kevalis, those who have infinite knowledge, can know the true answer, and that all others would only know a part of the answer. Anekantavada is related to the Western philosophical doctrine of Subjectivism.'Ekanta' is one-sidedness. Anekantavada is literally the doctrine of non-onesidedness; it is often translated as "non-absolutism".Anekantvada encourages its adherents to consider others views or beliefs. They should not reject a view simply because it uses a different perspective. They should consider the fact there may be truth in others' views too.Many proponents of Anekantvada apply the principle to religion and philosophy themselves, reminding adherents that any religion or philosophy, even Jainism, that clings too dogmatically to its own tenets is committing an error based on its limited point of view. In this application, Anekantvada resembles the Western principles of cultural and moral relativism.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Joseph Margolis
Margolis is the current day champion of the ancient Protagoras in that he takes the latter’s dictum “Man the Measure” to its logical conclusions, showing how, strictly adhering to such a measure, all fixities and changeless first principles must give way to consensual, though not criterial, truth claims. Since “man”, the measure, is himself a creature of history, no modal claims of invariance can possibly be sustained. Margolis however avers that there need be no fixities either de re or de dicto or de cogitatione. The world is a flux and our thought about it is also in flux. Margolis sees the whole history of Western Philosophy as a struggle between the advocates of change and those who either, like Parmenides, deny that change is intelligible at all, or those, like Heraclitus, who find some logos or some law which allegedly governs whatever changes are admitted. Contrary to “postmodern” philosophers like Richard Rorty or Jean-François Lyotard, he shows that our lacking cognitive privilege means that the need for a philosophical justification of our choices and programs becomes more, not less, pressing now than at any previous time.
Joseph Margolis